Well, who do we have here? The willing slave. Was it naughty again and needs the stern hand of the goddess? Umd like the little pig needs it.
The cock itched all night and without permission to squirt and touch yourself is not possible. You don't really want to suffer because of that. I will drive the lust out of you like the devil...
Nature is something beautiful even for the willing slave pig. Anyone can come around the corner at any moment. But when your ass itches, nothing helps, not even the tallest bush of stinging nettles. but I'll make your asshole burn. you will beg and plead to feel the strap deep in your whore cunt, you disobedient little bitch
So you victim. Who are you and what are you above all?
A useless thing or can I use you for something? Let's see kneel down and greet your mistress as it should be but decently, every single toe and also the spaces between your slave tongue have to lick nice
and woe to you if you forget the dirty sole. This is the best. Lots of taste. a very special cheese platter just for you novice